Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tempering Yourself under Detention

Being flagged down by the police on suspicion of drunk driving is always a possibility. As the precept of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ prevails, you need to have your wits about you if the authorities try to book you. Here are some tips to keep in mind in case a dreaded DUI arrest comes knocking.

Guarded Answers

Though it may be an infuriating experience to get pulled aside for suspicions of DUI, don’t let your nerves affect your answers. Remain polite and respectful to the police officer, but don’t talk too much. 

Sobriety Testing

At some point, the officer may ask you to step out of your car and perform some field sobriety exercises, yet the question of whether to perform them or not is a difficult one to answer. Undoubtedly, it gives the officer and the prosecutor very little evidence to convict you of drunk driving. On the other hand, the prosecutor might take this refusal as an admission and evidence to your guilt.

Blood, Breath, and Urine Tests

Once you refuse taking field sobriety exercises, it’s highly likely that you will be arrested and brought to a police station, wherein you’re expected to undergo another set of exercises. You still have the right to refuse performing these exercises, but remember that, under Florida’s “implied consent” law, you’ve given your consent to perform these tests after getting arrested. Otherwise, you’re facing 12 to 18 months license suspension.

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